Monitoring & Documentation Crackdown on popular Saudi influencers and creators, with harsh sentence for hit producer
The Saudi-American filmmaker Masameer, Abdulaziz al-Muzaini, has called out the Saudi authorities for secretly sentencing him to 13 years in prison to be followed by a 30-year travel ban.
Monitoring & Documentation As hajj death toll rises to more than 1,300, NGOs call on Saudi authorities for transparency 
The Saudi authorities’ slow, limited and defensive response to the shocking death toll during this year’s hajj pilgrimage is serious cause for alarm.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Arabia: NGOs renew call for lifting of the illegal travel ban on women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul
The undersigned organisations call on Saudi Arabia’s authorities to immediately lift the illegal travel ban imposed on woman human rights defender Loujain al-Hathloul.
Monitoring & Documentation Missing prisoner Mohammed al-Qahtani’s family reject Saudi Human Rights Commission cover-up
The wife of leading Saudi human rights defender Mohammed al-Qahtani has issued a statement categorically denying a Saudi official’s claim that he was recently in contact with his family.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Arabia: Woman jailed for 11 years for online expression supporting women’s rights
Saudi Arabia’s authorities must release Manahel al-Otaibi, recently sentenced to 11 years in prison because of her choice of clothing and support for women's rights.
Monitoring & Documentation Escalating concerns over the lives of minors threatened with death in Saudi Arabia
The undersigned organizations express their grave concern for the lives of minor defendants, particularly the two young men, who are at imminent risk of execution in Saudi Arabia.
Monitoring & Documentation NGOs call for access to Saudi detainees, as Manahel al-Otaibi faces further abuse
We, the undersigned civil society organisations, are extremely concerned by developments threatening the safety and wellbeing of detained feminist and fitness instructor Manahel al-Otaibi.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi activist seeking asylum in Bulgaria at risk of deportation
Saudi activist Abdulrahman al-Khalidi is under an order of deportation from Bulgaria to Saudi Arabia, where he would be at substantial risk of arbitrary detention and other grave rights violations.
Monitoring & Documentation Fans arrested, board dissolved at Saudi football club after chanting at match
At least 10 football fans have been arrested and their club’s board of directors dissolved in a hardline response by the Saudi authorities to chanting at a recent match that they deemed to be “sectarian”.
Monitoring & Documentation Widening gap between official narrative and harsh reality of human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, ALQST report finds
ALQST’s Annual Report for 2023 highlights the increasingly stark contrast between the glittering vanity projects of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and repression of the Saudi people.
Monitoring & Documentation Feminist detainee exposed to vicious abuse in Saudi jail
ALQST is gravely concerned to learn that detained feminist and fitness trainer Manahel al-Otaibi has been wilfully exposed to physical and psychological abuse in Riyadh’s Malaz Prison
Monitoring & Documentation Elon Musk’s X must ensure safety of users, as Saudi authorities issue first death sentence solely for social media activity
Saudi Arabia’s sentencing to death of 54-year-old retired teacher Mohammed al-Ghamdi solely for peaceful social media activity marks an extraordinary new escalation in the relentless repression of free speech.
Monitoring & Documentation American mother trapped in Saudi Arabia for four years is home, but without her daughter and still facing criminal charges
U.S. citizen Carly Morris has returned to the United States after a four-year ordeal in Saudi Arabia but her nine-year-old daughter has had to remain there.
Monitoring & Documentation “Where are they?” Enforced disappearance still a routine practice in Saudi Arabia
The internationally outlawed practice of enforced disappearance remains systematic and widespread in Saudi Arabia, and is extensively applied by the Saudi authorities to prisoners of conscience.
Monitoring & Documentation Sisters’ indictment for feminist views and choice of clothing shows limits of Saudi women’s rights reforms
The indictment of Saudi sisters Manahel and Fouz al-Otaibi over their choice of clothing and support for women’s rights stands in stark contrast to the authorities’ talk of reform and empowerment for women.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Arabia: Government Retaliates Against U.S. Citizen’s Lawsuit by Detaining and Prosecuting Five Family Members in Terrorism Court
Saudi authorities have detained five family members of 15-year-old U.S. citizen Rakan Nader Aldossari and are prosecuting them in the country’s terrorism court