Monitoring & Documentation Al-Dowaish son sentenced to two years in prison
Abdulrahman al-Dowaish, son of the missing preacher Sulaiman al-Dowaish, has been sentenced to two years in prison for enquiring about the fate of his father.
Monitoring & Documentation Easing pressure on Saudi leaders led to renewed repression in 2021, latest ALQST report concludes
When the pressure eased, the Saudi authorities resumed their habitual pattern of abuses with renewed intensity, according to ALQST’s latest annual report.
Monitoring & Documentation Medical neglect, and safety compromised, for Saudi prisoners of conscience
ALQST is seeing mounting evidence of a deliberate campaign by the Saudi authorities to jeopardise the safety, health and even lives of certain prisoners of conscience.
Monitoring & Documentation Uyghurs detained in Saudi Arabia face deportation to China
ALQST condemns the Saudi authorities’ decision to deport two detained Uyghur Muslims back to China, where they face the risk of torture or forcible disappearance.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi authorities put Ibrahim al-Yamani’s life at risk
ALQST has learned that once again the life of a prisoner of conscience is being put at risk, with Ibrahim al-Yamani having been moved to a cell with four “takfiris” who have threatened to kill him.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi authorities silent on prison killing of reformer Musa al-Qarni
ALQST has learned through private channels that the widely called-for inquiry into the 12 October killing of Musa al-Qarni in a prison cell has not yet concluded or reported any findings.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi academic Saud al-Sarhan missing since October
ALQST has learned through private channels that the Saudi authorities have been holding academic Saud al-Sarhan in a state of enforced disappearance since late October.
Monitoring & Documentation Abdulrahman al-Dowaish transferred to Malaz Prison
ALQST has learned that Abdulrahman al-Dowaish, son of the missing preacher Sulaiman al-Dowaish, was transferred to Malaz Prison in Riyadh on Sunday, 28 November, following two weeks in intensive care.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi economist Amer Alfaleh abducted and disappeared
ALQST has been following with concern news of the disappearance of US-educated Saudi economist Amer Matrook Alfaleh, son of the writer and political scientist Matrook Alfaleh.
Monitoring & Documentation Abdulrahman al-Dowaish on trial behind closed doors
ALQST has learned through private channels that the Saudi authorities are putting Abdulrahman al-Dowaish, son of the missing preacher Sulaiman al-Dowaish, on trial.
Monitoring & Documentation Killing of jailed reformer Musa al-Qarni highlights use of torture in Saudi prisons
On 12 October 2021, the human rights community was shocked to learn of the murder in prison of dissident academic and campaigner for reform Musa al-Qarni.
Monitoring & Documentation Appeal court upholds 20-year sentence for peaceful activist Abdulrahman al-Sadhan
ALQST has learned that on 5 October 2021 the Court of Appeal in Riyadh upheld the sentence passed on humanitarian activist Abdulrahman al-Sadhan.
Monitoring & Documentation Ten Nubian Egyptians charged after being arbitrarily detained in Saudi Arabia for more than a year
Ten Egyptian nationals belonging to Nubian civic associations in Saudi Arabia have finally been charged, more than a year after being arrested and arbitrarily detained.
Monitoring & Documentation Four years since September 2017 crackdown, many are still unjustly detained
Four years since the Saudi authorities’ crackdown on dissent in September 2017, the majority of those arrested remain in prison.
Monitoring & Documentation Enforced disappearances still routine practice in Saudi Arabia
The Saudi authorities continue to routinely “disappear” activists and ordinary citizens, forcibly disappearing several more in recent months while others have remained missing for even longer.
Monitoring & Documentation Son of missing preacher Sulaiman al-Dowaish re-arrested
ALQST has learned of the arrest on 14 August 2021 of Abdulwahhab al-Dowaish, son of the preacher Sulaiman al-Dowaish who has been forcibly disappeared since 2016.