Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Arabia: Government Retaliates Against U.S. Citizen’s Lawsuit by Detaining and Prosecuting Five Family Members in Terrorism Court
Saudi authorities have detained five family members of 15-year-old U.S. citizen Rakan Nader Aldossari and are prosecuting them in the country’s terrorism court
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Public Investment Fund is ultimately controlled by King Salman, its governor reveals
Decisions made by the Board of Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund can be overruled by the king if they conflict with the opinions of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, according to PIF governor.
Monitoring & Documentation Update on imprisoned activist and mother-of-two Salma al-Shehab
ALQST is concerned to learn that the husband of women’s rights activist Salma al-Shehab, currently serving a 27-year prison sentence for her peaceful activity on Twitter, has unexpectedly filed for divorce.
Monitoring & Documentation Nine facing execution in Saudi Arabia for acts committed as minors, despite official claims to have ended this illegal practice
At least nine young men are at risk of execution in Saudi Arabia for crimes they allegedly committed as minors, in direct contradiction of official claims to have ended this violation.
Monitoring & Documentation “Jailed for a tweet”: State TV warns Saudi viewers to study the law before posting on social media
The Saudi state broadcaster has brazenly laid bare the authorities’ determination to suppress free speech online, by interviewing a man jailed for a single tweet.
Monitoring & Documentation Eight Saudi women launch hunger strike against detention
ALQST has learned that women’s rights activist Salma al-Shehab and seven other detained Saudi women have been on hunger strike since 23 March 2023 in protest against their unjust detention and trial.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi crackdown on free speech turns farcical, with Salma al-Shehab resentenced yet again and other women jailed for up to 40 years
In a farcical turn of events in Saudi Arabia’s Specialised Criminal Court (SCC), women’s rights activist Salma al-Shehab was resentenced on 25 January 2023 to 27 years in prison.
Monitoring & Documentation Neom: ALQST report reveals the full extent of ongoing violations against residents who resisted eviction
The Saudi authorities are still pursuing a vicious campaign of prosecutions against members of the Huwaitat tribe who objected to their forcible eviction in 2020 for construction of a futuristic megacity, Neom.
Monitoring & Documentation Saudi Crown Prince takes clampdown on dissent to a new level after making his comeback on the world stage – ALQST’s 2022 Annual Report
The rehabilitation of Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman was swiftly followed by a string of staggeringly harsh jail sentences for peaceful social media activism.
Monitoring & Documentation Death sentences upheld for three men who resisted Neom project
On 23 January, Saudi Arabia’s Specialised Criminal Court of Appeal upheld death sentences against three members of the Huwaitat tribe, Shadli, Ibrahim and Ataullah al-Huwaiti.
Monitoring & Documentation Drugs-related executions make sudden comeback in Saudi Arabia despite claims of a moratorium
Executions for drugs-related offences have made a dramatic comeback in Saudi Arabia this month, despite the announcement in January 2021 of a moratorium on use of the death penalty for such non-violent crimes.
Monitoring & Documentation Concern for fate of human rights defender Mohammed al-Qahtani, forcibly disappeared
Concern is growing for the fate and wellbeing of detained human rights defender Mohammed al-Qahtani, who has been denied any family contact since 24 October.
Monitoring & Documentation ALQST calls for an end to attacks on journalists, and accountability for those responsible
On 2 November, which marks International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, ALQST calls for an end to the ongoing persecution, imprisonment and silencing of journalists in Saudi Arabia.
Monitoring & Documentation Fears grow for Saudi detainees awaiting trial or sentencing, following wave of 30-year-plus prison terms
In light of the unprecedented jail sentences issued against peaceful activists in Saudi Arabia, concerns are growing for those who remain in detention without charge or are facing prolonged trials or retrial.
Monitoring & Documentation Rights activist Mohammed al-Rabiah faces retrial despite completing prison term
ALQST calls on the Saudi Arabian authorities to release human rights activist Mohammed al-Rabiah, who is being retried in the SCC despite recently completing his prison term.
Monitoring & Documentation Death sentences for men who refused to make way for Neom
Saudi Arabia’s SCC has sentenced to death three members of the Huwaitat tribe whose family have been forcibly evicted and displaced to make way for the Neom megaproject being pursued by the Saudi authorities.