
Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) is sponsoring an investment conference in Miami and further whitewashing the country’s egregious human rights record.

ALQST and the undersigned NGOs call on the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council (AIMC) to cease its facilitation of arbitrary extraditions of peaceful dissidents and across Arab League countries.

A coalition of 12 human rights organisations have sent a joint letter to Secretary of State Marco Rubio, urgently calling on the Trump administration to help secure the immediate release of Ahmed Kamel.

Concerns over Saudi Arabia’s suitability to host the 2024 IGF were confirmed, when two panel sessions that broached human rights issues were hacked and the content briefly deleted from the IGF website.

The undersigned NGOs urge the Saudi authorities to release people imprisoned for their online expression and foster transparency and accountability, ahead of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2024.

Today’s confirmation of Saudi Arabia as host of the 2034 FIFA men’s World Cup, despite the well-known and severe risks to residents, migrant workers and visiting fans alike, marks a moment of great danger.

Saudi Arabia’s bid to host the 2034 FIFA men’s World Cup falls far short of the global footballing body’s own minimum human rights standards, and leaves the field wide open to the risk of violations.

MENA Rights Group, Amnesty International, ALQST for Human Rights and the European-Saudi Organization for Human Rights call on Saudi Arabia to improve women's rights in the country and to abide by the CEDAW.

ALQST publishes in-depth briefing on the human rights and environmental concerns surrounding Saudi megacity project.

A flawed human rights assessment of Saudi Arabia’s FIFA 2034 World Cup bid by AS&H Clifford Chance leaves the global firm at risk of being linked to abuses which result from the tournament.

ALQST for Human Rights condemns the Saudi authorities’ persistent efforts to whitewash their human rights record through high-profile international engagements.

Ahead of the 9 October UN Human Rights Council election at the UN General Assembly, we wrote an open letter to urge delegations to refrain from voting for Saudi Arabia.

In his latest annual report on reprisals presented on 17 September 2024, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres drew attention to Saudi human rights defenders Loujain al-Hathloul and Mohammed al-Qahtani.

40 NGOs call on Saudi Arabia to free all individuals arbitrarily detained solely for their online expression ahead of hosting the 2024 United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh.

Over 30 US lawmakers have written to US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging them to press immediately for the unconditional release of prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s contradictory response to its fourth UPR, the outcome of which has now been adopted, casts doubt on the sincerity of its stated intention to improve its dismal human rights record