
Advocacy & Campaigns ALQST renews its call to recognise the achievements of Saudi human rights activists
On 9 October 2018, English PEN’s Pinter Prize was awarded to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She, in turn, named writer and activist, Waleed Abulkhair Abu al-Khair as PEN’s International Writer of Courage for 2018.
Advocacy & Campaigns Failure to make any commitment before key United Nations human rights body is a failure of leadership and betrays the Saudi Arabian people
Failure by Saudi Arabian officials to give any response to recommendations made by other UN member states on 5 November shows that it is business as usual.
Advocacy & Campaigns ALQST and over 160 groups call for accountability following murder of journalist and widespread arrest of women’s rights defenders
Saudi Arabia: Kingdom must be held to account for suppression of dissent, following murder of journalist and widespread arrest of women’s rights defenders.
Advocacy & Campaigns UN expert: Saudi government must stop using counter-terrorism laws to stifle peaceful dissent
Saudi Arabia has clearly misused counter-terrorism strategies for the purpose of stifling political dissent.
Advocacy & Campaigns Crackdown on Saudi women human rights defenders sets off alarms Human rights groups call for their immediate release
The undersigned human rights groups call on the Saudi authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all human rights defenders.
Advocacy & Campaigns Norwegian Foreign Minister questions Saudi Arabia’s willingness to reform
The position for women in Saudi Arabia is unacceptable, says Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen.
Advocacy & Campaigns European Parliament resolution on the situation on women’s rights defenders in Saudi Arabia
European Parliament resolution on the situation on women’s rights defenders in Saudi Arabia.
Advocacy & Campaigns As an act of solidarity against injustice, and so the world will learn the truth: Let’s keep the names of Saudi human rights heroes constantly before the world – and in the face of the Saudi authorities
As an act of solidarity against injustice, and so the world will learn the truth: Let’s keep the names of Saudi human rights heroes constantly before the world.
Advocacy & Campaigns Eleven more executed in Saudi Arabia while Crown Prince was schmoozing Western allies
Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman returns to Saudi Arabia this weekend at the end of a five-week, five-nation “charm offensive”.
Advocacy & Campaigns Review of Saudi Arabia before a Women’s Rights UN Committee: The failure of a PR show orchestrated by the Saudi government
On March 12th, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) published its recommendations on Saudi Arabia.
Advocacy & Campaigns Urgent call for release of Saudi human rights defenders
Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia makes his first visits to Western capitals since being appointed as the Kingdom’s heir apparent.
Advocacy & Campaigns “Moderation” requires tolerance, acceptance of others, free speech and human rights
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said on several occasions recently that he wants to return the country to “moderation”, or “moderate Islam”.
Advocacy & Campaigns Urgent Need for Independent International Inquiry on Yemen
Joint NGO letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Advocacy & Campaigns How Saudi Arabia maintains its international image
Like other governments, the oil-rich Kingdom of Saudi Arabia uses public relations campaigns to maintain its image abroad and to win influence with others.
Advocacy & Campaigns Human rights and Counter-terrorism: UN expert launches first mission to Saudi Arabia
On 27 April 2017 the United Nations announced that Special Rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, Ben Emmerson, would make an official visit to Saudi Arabia.
Advocacy & Campaigns International peace day: a human rights focus on Yemen
Peace and human rights go hand in hand – peace is fragile without human rights, and people’s basic rights are trodden underfoot in times of war.