تاريخ النشر: 14/12/2014


A report on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s ‘War on Terror’ and the decline of human rights.

The War on Terror or the War on Freedom?

To the Saudi People:

Remain peaceful and seek your rights by all legitimate means and do not let oppression lead you to abandon your demands. Life is worthless without freedom. Do not believe all government accusations, as without free press and an independent civil society, reality is not clear. Refrain from accusing someone of terrorism because of a government statement. Do not denounce your sons and do not be afraid when you have done nothing wrong.Do not despair or surrender to fear, submission, violence and extremism. This is what the authorities’ oppressions aims to achieve.

To Human Rights Organizations:

Trust that there are people inside of the Kingdom who hear your voice and appreciate your efforts. Do not get tired or stop defending these victims, they merely cannot reach out to you to thank you because if they do, they will be committing an act of terrorism.

To the Saudi Authorities:

The War on Terror does not mean a war on your own people or their freedom and dignity. Trust that you won’t be able to silence the voice of the people by using an iron fist or by falsifying accusations against the innocent. Fight terrorism by spreading tolerance, justice, freedom and dignity. Allow your people to choose who represents them; to know where their wealth is going, and how their country is being run. Allow your people to breathe and to voice their opinions in safety and without fearing your oppression, so they too can help eliminate terrorism.

To Countries in alliance with the Saudi authorities:

Look at people as equal humans regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language. Oil and arms sales do not excuse your silence on human rights violations; it merely shows your support for its perpetrators.

To those wrongly accused of terrorism:

Do not resort to violence under any circumstance. Raise your voice loudlybut peacefully. Do not become a victim of battles waged by others who use the weak as its fuel. State your demands clearly and eliminate any doubt of your peaceful aims.

To those who committed violence:

Do not continue on your mistaken path. Just because the authorities have oppressed you, you should not legitimize their oppression by using violence.

To read and share:

English:  english.pdf   
Arabic:  العربي .pdf
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