تاريخ النشر: 14/08/2014

Update 26 February 2015: In January 2015, the Specialised Criminal Court of Appeal in Saudi Arabia upheld the sentencing decision of the SCC in the case of Al Amer. Al Amer was sentenced to 8 years in prison, followed by a 10 year travel ban and a ban on participating in speeches or lectures upon release.

During this current August, the SCC ruled on Tawfiq Al Amer to a sentence of eight years

During this current August, the Specialised Criminal Court ruled on Tawfiq Al Amer, a cleric and political activist, to a sentence of eight years, followed by a travel ban for a period of ten years after his release and a ban on him participating in any speeches or lectures.

Al Amer’s conviction includes charges of the defamation of the monarchy, sedition, to advocate for change and interfering with the decisions made by the king. Those charges affect the freedom of expression and is dedicated to silencing all voices that speak against the violation of the Saudi regime.

It is important to note that this is the fifth arrest of Al Amer who was previously arrested on charges relating to political, social and religious activities. Al Amer called for social justice, the constitution of the country to divide into three separate authorities and supported the demands of the majority.

Saudi authorities, who did not like Al Amer’s activity, had previously offered him parole as long as he would stop his activism however he rejected the offer flatly and as a result he faced aggravation.

ALQST for Human Rights calls for an increase of pressure on the Saudi authorities for the immediate release of Tawfiq Al-Amer, and drop all charges against him due to the judgement being based on the prevention of freedom of expression.

مشاركة المقال
السعودية: الحكم بالسجن 11 عامًا على امرأة بسبب تعبيرها على الإنترنت عن دعمها لحقوق المرأة
قالت منظمة العفو الدولية ومنظمة القسط لحقوق الإنسان اليوم إنه يجب على السلطات السعودية الإفراج فورًا ودون قيد أو شرط عن مناهل العتيبي.
مخاوف متصاعدة على حياة القاصرين المهددين بالقتل تعزيرا في السعودية
.تبدي المنظمات الموقعة أدناه قلقها على حياة القاصرين المحكومين بالإعدام تعزيرا في السعودية
المنظمات غير الحكومية تدعو إلى الوصول إلى المعتقلين السعوديّين، حيث تتعرّض مناهل العتيبي للمزيد من الانتهاكات
نحن، منظّمات المجتمع المدني الموقّعة أدناه، نشعر بقلق بالغ إزاء التطوّرات التي تهدّد سلامة ورفاهيّة الناشطة النسوية ومدرّبة الرياضة المحتجزة مناهل العتيبي.