Personal information

  • Sex: Male
  • Marital status: Married
  • Date of birth: 22 July 1977
  • Area of activity: Journalist
  • Place of residence: Dammam

Brinji, who used to write for Al-Bilad, Al-Sharq and Okaz newspapers, is one of Saudi Arabia’s best-known journalists.

Arrest and jail information

  • Prison: Al-Mabaheth (General Investigations Directorate), Dammam
  • Date of arrest: 12 May 2014
  • Manner of arrest: Arrested by security forces at passport control on the Saudi-Bahrain causeway on his way to Bahrain with his family.

Trial information

  • Charges: Insulting the country’s leaders; inciting public opinion; accusing security officers of killing demonstrators in Al Awamiya
  • Court: Criminal Court
  • Verdict: 7-year prison sentence, 8-year travel ban, a fine of 50,000 Saudi riyals and forced to close his Twitter account
  • Date of verdict: June 2016


  • Arbitrary arrest/ detention ,
  • Enforced disappearance ,
  • Denied contact with family ,
  • Denied access to a lawyer


  • Late February 2021 - He was released after serving a seven-year prison term, but continues to face an eight-year travel ban.  
  •  June 2016 - Instead of quashing the charges, the judge increased his jail sentence to seven years.
  • March 2016 - He was sentenced to five years in prison followed by an eight-year travel ban, together with a fine. 
  • 12 May 2014 - Jun 2014 - Birinji disagreed for 50 days and was placed in solitary confinement before being allowed to make his first phone call. Although he is allowed to make a phone call once a week and allowed to have visitors. Recently, after the COVID-19 lockdown the authorities have imposed restrictions on the phone call which is only to be made during the presence of officers.
  • 12 May 2014 - He was arrested by security forces at passport control on the Saudi-Bahrain causeway on his way to Bahrain with his family.

Other prisoners


Ahmed Farid Mustafa


Abdulaziz al-Fawzan



Ali Mohsen Abu Lahoum



Daniel Abu Jabara


Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz al-Zahrani