Personal information
- Sex: Male
- Area of activity: Academic
- Group:
Al-Yamani holds a doctorate in criminal law and is on the faculty of Taibah University in Medina, where he serves as a legal consultant. He was formerly also a member of the Saudi Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) Society.
Arrest and jail information
- Prison: Al-Ha’ir Prison, Riyadh
- Date of arrest: September 2017
- Arbitrary arrest/ detention ,
- Denied access to healthcare
Violation details
He has been moved to a cell with four “takfiris” who have threatened several times to kill him. He warned the prison administration of the threat he is under and the danger to his life, but the prison administration have ignored his complaint.Timeline
2020 - The Saudi authorities prevented him from attending his father’s funeral.
September 2017 - He was arrested during the same wave of arrests that swept up prominent cleric Salman al-Odah, Islamic scholar Hassan Farhan al-Maliki and dozens of others.