Personal information
- Sex: Male
- Marital status: Married
- Area of activity: Academic , Journalist , Writer
- Place of residence: Mecca
Arrest and jail information
- Date of arrest: 10 January 2019
- Manner of arrest: In a raid on his home in Mecca by police officers; he was beaten and humiliated at Mansoura police detention centre
Trial information
- Charges: Stirring up public opinion; agitating and diminishing people’s respect for the regime
- Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)
- Arbitrary arrest/ detention ,
- Torture and ill-treatment ,
- Denied access to healthcare
Violation details
Use of excessive force during arrest and ill-treatment during interrogationTimeline
10 January 2019 - He was arrested in a raid on his home in Mecca by police officers; he was beaten and humiliated at Mansoura police detention centre