Personal information

  • Sex: Male
  • Area of activity: Cleric , Journalist

His occupation has varied over time and includes being a media consultant, a prominent scholar, a journalist but most importantly, the proprietor of the Al-Fajr Media Group as well as the creator and presenter of the Fadfadah (‘venting’) awareness campaign. The aim of the campaign, in form of a TV series, was to politically educate Saudi citizens by informing them of their human rights. The show received much popularity but it was this TV series that began trouble for Al-Ghazzawi

Arrest and jail information

  • Prison: Mecca Penitentiary
  • Date of arrest: 1 August 2012
  • Manner of arrest: The Minister of Information, Dr. Abdul-Aziz Khoja urged him to stop his campaign and return to the Kingdom with full immunity from prosecution. When he returned to the Kingdom in November 2011, he realised that he was under house-arrest and was prevented from leaving the capital. Two months later, he was interrogated for two weeks by the General Prosecutor and then in August 2012, Al-Ghazzawi was arrested after Friday prayers in a harsh and brutal manner.

Trial information

  • Charges: Harming the reputation of the Kingdom. Producing materials that impingeson public order and moral. Inciting sedition and harming the Kingdoms reputation and standing. Accusing the government of corruption. Claiming the Kingdom adopts a policy of slavery and Receiving US$1.8 million from Libya’s now ousted leader, Colonel Muammar Ghadafi
  • Verdict: Sentenced to 12 years in prison and a 20-year travel ban upon release and a permanent ban on appearing in media outlets.


  • Arbitrary arrest/ detention ,
  • Denied access to a lawyer


  • 10-15 September 2015 - He started an open-ended strike after being transferred to a ward where infectious disease patients are gathered. He wrote a statement and handed it to the guard officers in the Mecca prison, and ended the strike after his demands were met.
  • 01 August 2012 - He has been detained at a Mecca Prison in Saudi Arabia after returning from Egypt where he set up home for many years.

Other prisoners


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Abdulaziz al-Fawzan



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Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz al-Zahrani