Personal information
- Sex: Male
Shadli is the brother of Abdul Rahim al-Huwaiti, who was shot dead by security forces in April 2020. Shadli was director of agriculture in the governorate of Al-Bidaa before being appointed as a manager of agriculture in the governorate of Duba.
Arrest and jail information
- Date of arrest: 24 November 2020
- Manner of arrest: He was arrested at his farm together with another brother, Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud, and his brother-in-law Abdullah Dakhil Allah.
Trial information
- Charges: Include “establishing a terrorist organisation to rebel against the ruler” and “creating a Twitter account to tear apart national cohesion”.
- Verdict: Death sentence
- Date of verdict: 23 January 2023
- Arbitrary arrest/ detention ,
- Enforced disappearance ,
- Torture and ill-treatment ,
- Observers denied access to court hearings
Violation details
During interrogation Shadli was subjected to various types of torture, including electrocution, beating on the soles of the feet (falaqa), exposure to extreme temperatures, sleep deprivation and prolonged periods of solitary confinement.Timeline
May 2023 - He went on hunger strike again, protesting torture and ill-treatment in jail, including being placed in solitary confinement.
23 January 2023 - The Specialized Criminal Court of Appeal upheld the death sentences issued against Shadley, Ibrahim, and Atallah Al-Hweiti.
2 October 2022 - The Specialised Criminal Court (SCC) handed down death sentences on Shadli, Ataullah, Ibrahim al-Huwaiti.
23 May 2022 - Shadli went on hunger strike in protest against ill-treatment and being placed in solitary confinement, and after two weeks the Dhahban Prison administration inserted a tube into his stomach to force-feed him, a form of torture.
15 March 2022 - He went on trial, on charges that included “establishing a terrorist organisation to rebel against the ruler” and “creating a Twitter account to tear apart national cohesion”.
November 2020 - January 2021 - He was disappeared for two months before the authorities confirmed that he was being held at al-Tarfiya Prison in al-Qassim.
24 November 2020 - He was arrested at his farm together with another brother, Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud, and his brother-in-law Abdullah Dakhil Allah.